The Ideal Society Index
the dawn of a better time
1978 scientists at Maharishi European Research University (MERU) in Switzerland
designed the MERU Ideal Society Index to measure the improved quality of life
in 108 countries participating in the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment's
pilot project to create models of an Ideal Society—one
of the largest and most complete sociological experiments ever conducted.
pilot project utilized the discovery of the Extended Maharishi Effect, a phenomenon
whereby as little as the square root of one percent of a population practising
Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme in a group has
been shown to have a positive effect on the quality of life of society as a
whole. To date nearly fifty scientific research studies have documented the
Maharishi Effect.
programmes have continued to expand around the world, spreading the light of
total knowledge of Natural Law and eradicating the darkness of ignorance, problems,
and suffering. Year after year, the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment, inaugurated
by Maharishi in 1975, has gradually become brighter and brighter as millions
of individuals practising Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi
Programme including Yogic Flying, and groups of Yogic Flyers in various parts
of the world, have radiated an indomitable influence of positivity and coherence.
26 January 2006, Maharishi announced that 144 countries in the world had been
allocated to the Vedic Pandits—experts
in Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness—at
the Brahmasthan (centre) of India, giving each country the support of their
Vedic Performances to enliven the total potential of Natural Law in collective
consciousness. 'These are the days of a new civilization on earth'
, Maharishi said. ' Doesn't matter what the past has
been. We will design a new sunshine.'
in February 2006, Maharishi and his Global Country of World peace adopted twenty-four
nations throughout the world,
to ensure that they—and
soon all nations—rise
in peace and invincibility, and experience prevention-oriented, problem-free
administration, capable of providing a high quality of life for its citizens,
free from problems and suffering.
countries adopted in this first phase are: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Ireland,
Croatia, New Zealand, Latvia, Lebanon, Moldova, Slovenia, Bosnia, India, Germany,
Italy, Holland, Egypt, Canada, USA, Mexico, Brazil, Belgium, Thailand, Hungary,
Portugal. The Global Country of World Peace will establish in each adopted country
a group of Yogic Flyers to create coherence in collective consciousness—the
basis of national invincibility. The size of the group—from
a few hundred to a few thousand experts—will
depend upon the size of the population of the nation.
15 March 2006 Maharishi declared:
this year, the world press will have very little negativity to report, because
it will die out of its own death. When the light comes, darkness cannot remain.
When coherence rises in national consciousness, conflicting thoughts and problems
and difficulties and sickness and all that is anti-life will simply disappear.
Life will glow on its own level—Bliss
timely 'intervention' in the course of world events is the inspiration for the
Ideal Society Index on the Global Good News (sm) website. It is a joy for the
Global Good News service to begin featuring an Ideal Society Index as a way
to chart the extraordinary transformation of time now taking place around the
April 2006, the home page of the Global Good News website began to feature a
link to the Ideal Society Index, documenting the rise of the Dawn of the Age
of Enlightenment, week by week and month by month, based upon an analysis of
the top ten daily news reports from the world press (Reuters), rated as either
positive, negative, or neutral.
an address to the World Government of the Age of Enlightenment on the occasion
of the Celebration of Invincibility to Every Nation, on 21 October 1977, Maharishi
explained the importance and validity of charting the rise of the Dawn of the
Age of Enlightenment:
we inaugurated the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment three years ago, it was
still dark and there was a great intensity of economic depression and inflation,
and there were cries from everywhere. But we saw the forthcoming sunshine of
the Age of Enlightenment and we declared it—someone
has to say what is going to come tomorrow. We have that golden vision to see
only right things, because we know the power of good is greater than any other
power, and we see the power of good rising in the world. So it is not on the
basis of hope to humanity that we are celebrating Invincibility to Every Nation,
for we have seen the signs of every nation rising to invincibility. It is on
the basis of statistics of events in the nations, and expressions of the heads
of state in so many countries, that we find invincibility for every nation to
be a reality.'
27 March 2006, the following headline appeared in the Victoria Times Colonist
of British Columbia, Canada: Peace
breaks out all around us: Despite high-profile conflicts, warfare's toll has
been falling since the late 1980s. The
article states that a major study released at the end of March by the University
of British Columbia reveals that war and conflict are in strong decline. Since
the late 1980's, armed conflicts have actually decreased by over 40 percent
throughout the world. As a result, the arms trade has declined, more troops
than ever are being de-mobilized or re-directed to peaceful duties.
more than ever before, we have the good fortune to see the light of a better
time dawning in the world. By describing Maharishi's programmes for all areas
of life, reporting the good news of rising positivity in the world, and depicting
the growing positivity in world events in the Ideal Society Index graphs, the
Global Good News website is educating the public about the possibility of creating
an Ideal Society and showing that good news is more newsworthy than bad news.
the Global Good News service and all the visitors to our website are in fact
helping to hasten this transformation of time. Measurement Theory of Quantum
Physics states that the observer affects the observed. It is a scientific reality
that the very act of the public putting their attention on positive trends encourages
those trends.
has called upon the press to be alert to positive trends rising throughout the
have to say to the world press, watch, and report what you see. What you see
in the world is a whisper of the eternal song of the administration of the universe.
Freedom, peace, prosperity, invincibility, these are the qualities being produced
in the units of administration of the universe. Units of administration of the
universe are in every nation. Now the world press has to see, and see, and see.
And report what you see.
days of speaking are soon coming to an end. Of course we will continue to speak,
but that speech will be the talk of freedom, the talk of sovereignty, the talk
of invincibility. It's a beautiful transformation of the world. That is for
the world press to report. Invite the most fortunate world press of today, the
year 2006, that it is to report the transformation of this troubled world into
a very peaceful, dignified, enormously independent, coherent world of this afternoon;
and such a world of tomorrow, and every tomorrow that is to come.'
Press Conference, 5 April 2006
Ideal Society Index is a mirror of the transformation of time, being brought
about by groups of Yogic Flyers around the world. It is very important
that future generations can look back and say that this was the time of transformation,
and this transformation was brought about by groups of Yogic Flyers. That
is the key observation to record, so that no future generation loses the key—loses
the knowledge of how the transformation of society was achieved, and never makes
the mistake of receding from their commitment to these coherence-creating groups.
To be updated
The Ideal Society Index records the transformation of world events being brought about by group practice around the world of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying.
The above graph reflects the monthly variation in positivity of world headline news since November 2010. ‘Arab Spring’ events , began in February 2011. In September 2012, the media began to realize that they have the power to uplift collective consciousness and a moral responsibility to take an active role in promoting a life-supporting media environment for the people.
Each day, ten Reuters ‘Top News’ articles are classified as either positive, negative, or neutral. Positive articles are rated at +1, neutral articles at 0, and negative articles at –1. The month’s rating total is converted into an index with a possible range of –100 (100% negative) to +100 (100% positive).
For graphs of the variations in the Index for previous years since March 2006, click here.
Currently, large groups of experts in the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying, are being established in North America, Latin America, and India. Their influence is contributing to a rise in coherence in world consciousness. As the size of these groups grows, and especially as the size of the largest group of experts in India reaches the square root of one per cent of the world’s population—currently 8,400 people—a profound transformation in world consciousness will be evident, as the media is an innocent mirror of the level of collective consciousness of the people.
For finer details of the variation in the Index after October 2011, the Fortnightly variation is shown below:
The media is an innocent mirror of collective consciousness. With the awakening of collective consciousness in the world we see the media becoming aware of their moral responsibilities. Governments are also an innocent mirror of collective consciousness.