The Constitution of the Universe The Ultimate Source of Order and Harmony Enlivening this Total Intelligence of Natural Law Understanding from the Perspective
In his book, Maharishi’s Absolute Theory of Government, Maharishi describes the forty values of the Veda and Vedic Literature in terms of the administering intelligence of Nature, the Constitution of the Universe. These forty fundamental values of the Constitution of the Universe are the forty qualities of consciousness, or intelligence, of the individual as available in Rk Veda and the Vedic Literature. This timeless knowledge of Maharishi’s Vedic Science has now also been substantiated by recent advances in modern Physics and other disciplines of modern science. In this scientific age, Quantum Physics has discovered the single, universal field of intelligence as the Unified Field at the basis of all forms and phenomena in the universe. The laws governing the self-interacting dynamics of the Unified Field constitute the most fundamental level of Natural Law and the basis of all known Laws of Nature, and therefore can be called the Constitution of the Universe. The essential qualities of the Unified Field—the fundamental characteristics of the Constitution of the Universe—have been derived by quantum physicists from a detailed analysis of the Lagrangian of the Superstring (refer to the following chart and to the more detailed derivation given on pages 26–27 of Maharishi’s book Celebrating Perfection in Education). This Lagrangian represents the most compact mathematical expression of the detailed structure and dynamics of the Unified Field; it is the mathematical formula expressing the Constitution of the Universe from the perspective of modern science. Thus both Maharishi’s Vedic Science and modern science have located the same essential characteristics of the Constitution of the Universe. These same qualities of the Constitution of the Universe are also expressed in the structure and functioning of the human physiology and the entire universe.
The second chart below summarizes the historic discovery of Professor Tony Nader, MD, PhD, who, under Maharishi’s guidance, identified the precise correspondence between the forty fundamental structures of Natural Law and the fundamental structures and functions of human physiology. It presents the forty qualities of Natural Law expressed in the terminology of the Vedic Literature and in the terminology of modern Physiology. Thus, the forty qualities of the Constitution of the Universe—the forty qualities of Natural Law that comprise the Constitution of the Universe—have been located in terms of their forty corresponding structures and functions in the human physiology and in the forty qualities of the Lagrangian of Superstring Theory—the most fundamental structure of Natural Law from modern science. As the conscious mind identifies more and more fully with the Unified Field of Natural Law—the Constitution of the Universe—through Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, the beautiful, evolutionary qualities of the Constitution of the Universe are enlivened in all aspects of life—physiological, psychological, sociological, and the collective level of the whole society. When large groups practise Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme including Yogic Flying together in one place, the qualities of the Constitution of the Universe become enlivened in the whole society, and, if the group is large enough, in the entire nation and world. These results have been documented by more than 600 scientific research studies on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme, conducted at over 200 universities and research institutions in 30 countries.
Discovery of the Forty Qualities
of Intelligence
Human Physiology—Expression of Veda
and the Vedic Literature
Modern Science Upholds
The following research findings on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme document the growth of the forty fundamental qualities of the Constitution of the Universe blossoming in individual life and in society. For each quality, the first three paragraphs demonstrate the growth of the respective quality from the physiological, psychological, and sociological perspective of individual life, and the fourth paragraph documents the enlivenment of the respective quality on the collective level of the society as a whole. The numbers cited in parentheses after each research finding are the
numbers of the research studies from which the respective finding is
taken, as reprinted in the first six volumes of Scientific
Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi
Papers [over 5,000 pages; Volume 7
in press].
HOLISTIC (DYNAMIC SILENCE) Rk Veda HOLISTIC: Physiological: • Use of the Latent Reserves of the Brain (Human Physiology 25: 171–180, 1999) • Increased Integration of Brain Functioning (Vol. 1: 14–17, 20, 102; Vol. 3: 205, 210, 211, 213, 215, 217, 218, 224; Vol. 4: 294–296; Vol. 5: 370, 371, 375) • Correlation between High EEG Coherence and a Unified Cosmic Perspective on Life Found in Subjects Practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme (Vol. 3: 223) Psychological: • Improved Synthetic and Holistic Thinking (Vol. 1: 103; Vol. 2: 135, 140; Vol. 3: 257, 260; Vol. 5: 393) • Increased Self-Actualization: Increased Integration, Unity, and Wholeness of Personality (Vol. 1: 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 94; Vol. 2: 139, 144, 151, 153, 155; Vol. 3: 239; Vol. 5: 395) • Increased Foresight (Vol. 2: 153) Sociological: • Increased Social Maturity (Vol. 2: 138; Vol. 3: 261) • Increased Altruism (Vol. 1: 71; Vol. 2: 138) • Increased Morale, Increased Facilitative Leadership, and Increased Influence in Decision Making (Vol. 5: 388) Collective Level: • Global Maharishi Effect: Increased Harmony in International Affairs; Increased Progress toward Peaceful Resolution of Conflict; More Positive, Progressive Statements and Actions of Heads of State and Greater National and International Support for Their Policies and Leadership; Increased Confidence, Optimism, and Economic Prosperity as Measured by Rise of the World Index of Stock Prices and Simultaneous Increases in the World’s Major Stock Market Indices (Vol. 4: 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984) • Improved International Relations (Vol. 4: 322, Worldwide, 1978; Vol. 5: 409, USA–USSR, 1985–1987; 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985)
Physiological: • EEG Indications of a Unique State of Restful Alertness during the Practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique (Vol. 1: 1–4, 7, 14, 15, 17, 18; Vol. 2: 117; Vol. 3: 211, 213, 220; Vol. 5: 369) • Maintenance of a Relaxed Style of Physiological Functioning outside of the Practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique (Vol. 1: 6, 18, 30; Vol. 3: 197; Vol. 5: 356, 358, 359) • Maintenance of Physiological Relaxation during a Task (Vol. 2: 122; Vol. 5: 372) • Increased Autonomic Stability during Task Performance (Vol. 5: 399) Psychological: • Increased Field Independence: Growth of a Stable Internal Frame of Reference (Vol. 1: 51, 52, 103; Vol. 3: 255, 257, 259; Vol. 4: 307; Vol. 5: 384, 389) • Increased Inner Calm and Tranquillity (Vol. 1: 65, 73, 77; Vol. 2: 150; Vol. 4: 308, 316) • Decreased Lethargy (Vol. 2: 126, 147) Sociological: • Increased Spontaneity (Vol. 1: 64, 65, 69, 70, 76, 77; Vol. 2: 151, 153; Vol. 3: 277, 290; Vol. 4: 308, 316) • Greater Attentiveness to Others (Vol. 2: 164) • Increased Capacity for Warm Interpersonal Relationships (Vol. 1: 69, 70, 73, 76, 77; Vol. 2: 149, 151, 153; Vol. 3: 277, 284, 290; Vol. 4: 316) Collective Level: • Increased Positivity in National Mood (Vol. 4: 333, Israel, 1983) • Increased Confidence, Optimism, and Economic Prosperity: Improvement in Economic Indicators (Vol. 4: 323, USA, 1979; 329, Washington, DC, USA, 1981–1983; 330, United Kingdom, 1982–1983; 333, Israel, 1983; 335, Lebanon, 1984; 336, Worldwide, 1983–1984; 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985)
Sama Veda Physiological: • Increased Blood Flow to the Brain (Vol. 2: 105, 106; Vol. 3: 194, 195) • Correlations between High EEG Coherence and Greater Moral Maturity, Greater Intelligence, Superior Academic Performance, and Lower Neuroticism (Vol. 4: 294) and among High EEG Coherence, Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness, and Quality of Experiences of the TM-Sidhi Programme (Vol. 1: 102; Vol. 3: 216) Found in Subjects Practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme • Decreased Fatigue (Vol. 2: 147; Vol. 3: 238; Vol. 4: 308; Vol. 5: 399) • Increased Efficiency of Information Transfer in the Brain (Vol. 2: 114, 116; Vol. 3: 214, 251; Vol. 5: 374) Psychological: • Increased Mental Clarity and Wakefulness (Vol. 2: 147) • Increased Intelligence (Vol. 1: 53–55, 62, 103; Vol. 2: 150; Vol. 3: 257, 261, 265; Vol. 4: 307; Vol. 5: 382, 387, 389, 390, 392, 393) • Increased Intelligence Growth Rate (Vol. 1: 54; Vol. 3: 265; Vol. 5: 389, 390) • Increased Alertness (Vol. 1: 29; Vol. 2: 164; Vol. 5: 381) • Decreased Drowsiness and Lethargy (Vol. 2: 126, 147) • Decreased Fatigue (Vol. 2: 147; Vol. 3: 238; Vol. 4: 308; Vol. 5: 399) Sociological: • Increased Sociability (Vol. 1: 65, 73, 77; Vol. 2: 138; Vol. 3: 261, 266, 277, 290; Vol. 4: 316) • Increased Outgoingness and Tendency to Participate (Vol. 1: 73; Vol. 2: 150, 153) • Decreased Behavioural Rigidity (Vol. 1: 87, 103; Vol. 3: 250; Vol. 4: 300; Vol. 5: 380) • Increased Trust (Vol. 1: 67; Vol. 2: 138, 150) Collective Level: • More Positive, Progressive Statements and Actions of Heads of State and Greater National Support for Their Policies and Leadership (Vol. 4: 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 409, USA, 1985–1987) • Increased Harmony in International Affairs (Vol. 4: 322, Worldwide, 1978; 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 409, USA–USSR, 1985–1987; 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985)
Yajur-Veda Physiological: • Correlations between Increased Frontal EEG Coherence and Increased Creativity (Vol. 4: 294) and between High EEG Coherence and More Ideal Social Behaviour (Vol. 4: 297) Found in Subjects Practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme • Younger Biological Age Compared to Population Norms (Vol. 3: 242, 245, 246) • Hormone Levels Indicating Younger Biological Age (Vol. 5: 376) Psychological: • Enhanced Creativity (Vol. 1: 62, 63, 103; Vol. 2: 150; Vol. 3: 257, 260; Vol. 4: 294, 304, 305; Vol. 5: 392, 395) • Increased Resourcefulness (Vol. 2: 150, 153) • Increased Innovation (Vol. 1: 62) • Greater Initiative (Vol. 2: 164) • Increased Psychological Health as Indicated by Unifying Ability, Autonomy, Intrinsic Spirituality, Creativity, Directedness, Well-Being, and Integration of the Personality: Higher Growth Rate Longitudinally on Several Indicators of Psychological Health (Vol. 5: 395) Sociological: • Increased Consideration for Others (Vol. 1: 71, 73; Vol. 2: 153) • Growth of a More Sympathetic, Helpful, and Caring Nature (Vol. 1: 73; Vol. 2: 153; Vol. 4: 316) • Greater Sense of Social Responsibility (Vol. 2: 138, 158) • Improved Interpersonal Relationships (Vol. 1: 90, 96, 97; Vol. 2: 165; Vol. 4: 315; Vol. 5: 399) Collective Level: • Increased Creativity as Measured by Increased Patent Applications (Vol. 4: 337, USA, Australia, South Africa, and United Kingdom, 1983–1984) • Increased Progress toward Peaceful Resolution of Conflict (Vol. 4: 322, Major Trouble-Spot Countries, 1978; 335, Lebanon, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 409, USA, 1985–1987; 410, Lebanon, 1983–1985; 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985) • Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by an Index Comprising Data on Crime, the National Stock Market, and National Mood (Vol. 4: 333, Israel, 1983)
Atharva Veda Physiological: • Increased Sensitivity, Strength, and Flexibility of the Nervous System (Vol. 4: 301) • Increased Neurological Efficiency: —Increased Efficiency of Information Transfer in the Brain (Vol. 2: 114, 116; Vol. 3: 214, 251; Vol. 5: 374); —Improved Spinal Reflex Activity (Vol. 3: 226, 227, 229); —Improvement in Reaction-Time Measures That Are Correlated with Intelligence (Vol. 5: 390) • Correlations between Flexibility of Concept Learning and Both High EEG Coherence and Neurological Efficiency (Vol. 3: 219), between Neurological Efficiency and Both High EEG Coherence and Superior Academic Performance (Vol. 3: 230, 231), and between Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness and Superior Performance on Tests Measuring Perceptual Speed, Flexibility, Field Independence, and Psychomotor Speed (Vol. 3: 258) Found in Subjects Practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme • Increased EEG Coherence at the Moment of Performance of the TM-Sidhi Technique of Yogic Flying (Vol. 1: 102; Vol. 5: 375) Psychological: • Increased Liveliness (Vol. 1: 65, 77; Vol. 3: 277, 290) • Increased Self-Actualization: Increased Integration, Unity, and Wholeness of Personality (Vol. 1: 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 94; Vol. 2: 139, 144, 151, 153, 155; Vol. 3: 239; Vol. 5: 395) Enhanced Inner Well-Being (Vol. 2: 125, 147; Vol. 4: 310; Vol. 5: 395) • Greater Flexibility of Mental Orientation (Vol. 1: 71) • Increased Good Humour (Vol. 1: 65, 77; Vol. 3: 277, 290; Vol. 4: 308) Sociological: • Improved Relationships at Work and Improved Personal Relationships (Vol. 5: 399) • Increased Ability to Be Objective, Fair-Minded, and Reasonable (Vol. 4: 316) • Greater Family Health (Vol. 5: 400) • Greater Marital Harmony and Happiness (Vol. 2: 165) Collective Level: • Improvements in Domestic Affairs and International Relations for Major Trouble-Spot Countries (Vol. 4: 322, 1978) • Increased Harmony in International Affairs (Vol. 4: 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 409, USA–USSR, 1985–1987; 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985)
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