‘Through the window of science we see the
dawn of the Age of Enlightenment.’ —Maharishi |
The following findings are a brief summary of the hundreds of scientific
papers, relevant to the creation of Vedic Culture—Global Culture, published
in Scientific Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and
TM-Sidhi Programme: Collected Papers—Volumes 1–6 [over 5,000
pages; Volume 7 is in press]. More than 600 scientific studies,
conducted at over 200 independent research institutions in 30 countries,
objectively document the benefits of Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation
and TM-Sidhi Programme, and prove their extraordinary value to actualize
the highest Vedic ideals of life, bringing fulfilment to the individual and
to all areas of society.
(Refer to: www.tm.org/research)
These studies are a record of the historic transformation of time, from
the scientific age to the Age of Enlightenment, brought about by Maharishi’s
teachings, which have opened the gates of enlightenment for millions
of people, leading to the establishment of an ideal quality of life for
the whole world—Heaven on Earth.
A Brief Summary of Results
An analysis of findings which demonstrate
that Maharishi’s Technologies
of Consciousness create a profound influence
of coherence and harmony in
world consciousness if the group is sufficiently
large—the foundation of a
new world order of affluence and peace: Vedic
Culture— Global Culture
[The numbers within parentheses after each finding
refer to the numbers of the
original research studies as printed in the six volumes of the Collected Papers.]
Increased Coherence in Collective Consciousness—
The Basis of a New World Order of Affluence and Peace
The following research findings demonstrate that one per cent of a population
practising Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation Technique or the square
root of one per cent collectively practising the TM-Sidhi Programme radiates
a powerful influence of coherence and harmony in collective consciousness,
bringing life increasingly in accordance with all the Laws of Nature and raising
the nation to invincibility.
- Increased Positivity in National Mood (Vol. 4: 333,
Israel, 1983)
- Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by a Weekly Index of Motor
Vehicle Fatalities, Homicides, and Suicides (Vol.
5: 407, USA, 1979–1985; 408, Canada, 1983–1985)
- Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by Reductions of Weekly Fatalities
Due to Accidents Other than Motor Vehicle Fatalities (Vol.
5: 408, Canada, 1983–1985)
- Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by Improvements on a Monthly
Index Including Violent Fatalities (Motor Vehicle Fatalities, Homicides,
and Suicides), Cigarette Consumption, and Worker-Days Lost in Strikes (Vol.
5: 408, Canada, 1972–1986)
- Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by an Index Comprising Data
on Crime, the National Stock Market, and National Mood (Vol.
4: 333, Israel, 1983)
- Improved Quality of National Life as Measured by an Index Including Crime
Rate, Percentage of Civil Cases Reaching Trial, Rate of Infectious Diseases,
Infant Mortality Rate, Suicide Rate, Cigarette Consumption Rate, Alcohol
Consumption Rate, Gross National Product per Capita, Patent Application Rate,
Degrees Conferred per Capita, Divorce Rate, and Traffic Fatality Rate (Vol.
4: 332, USA, 1976–1983)
- Improved National Economy as Measured by a Monthly Index of Inflation and
Unemployment, Controlling for Changes in Major Economic Variables (Vol.
5: 403, USA and Canada, 1979–1988; 404–406, USA, 1979–1988)
- Increased Confidence, Optimism, and Economic Prosperity: Improvement in
Economic Indicators (Vol. 4: 323, USA, 1979; 329,
Washington, DC, USA, 1981–1983; 330, United Kingdom, 1982–1983;
333, Israel, 1983; 335, Lebanon, 1984; 336, Worldwide, 1983–1984; 337,
Worldwide, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 411, Worldwide, 1983–1985)
- Increased Creativity as Measured by Increased Patent Applications (Vol.
4: 337, USA, Australia, South Africa, and United Kingdom, 1983–1984)
- Improved Quality of Provincial Life as Measured by an Index Including Total
Crime Rate, Mortality Rate, Motor Vehicle Fatality Rate, Auto Accident Rate,
Unemployment Rate, Pollution, Beer Consumption Rate, and Cigarette Consumption
Rate (Vol. 4: 321 and Vol. 5: 401, Rhode Island, USA,
- Improved Quality of City Life as Measured by an Index Comprising Data on
Fires, Automobile Accidents, and Crime (Vol. 4: 333,
Jerusalem, Israel, 1983)
- Decreased Crime (Vol. 1: 98, Cities, USA, 1973;
Vol. 2: 166, Cities, USA, 1974–1976; Vol. 4: 318, Cities, USA, 1973–1977;
Vol. 4: 319, Cities, USA, 1975–1976; Vol. 4: 320 and Vol. 5: 402,
Cities, USA, 1972–1978, and Metropolitan Areas, USA, 1973–1979;
Vol. 4: 323, USA, 1979; Vol. 4: 325, Holland, 1979 and 1981; Vol. 4: 326
and Vol. 5: 401, Union Territory of Delhi, India, 1980–1981; Vol.
4: 328 and Vol. 5: 402, Washington, DC, USA, 1981–1983; Vol. 4: 333,
Jerusalem and also Israel, 1983; Vol. 4: 334 and Vol. 5: 401, Puerto Rico,
1984; Vol. 4: 337, State of Victoria, Australia; Washington, DC, USA; and
Karachi, Pakistan, 1983–1984; Vol. 5: 401, Metro Manila, Philippines,
- Decreased Motor Vehicle Accidents and Fatalities (Vol.
4: 317, Cities, USA, 1973–1977; 323, USA, 1979; 325, Holland, 1979;
327, USA, 1982; 333, Jerusalem, Israel, 1983; 337, USA; South Africa; and
States of New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia, Australia,
- Decreased Air Traffic Fatalities and Air Transport Fatal Accidents (Vol.
4: 323, USA, 1979; 337, Worldwide, 1983–1984)
- Decreased Fatalities from Suicide, Homicide, and Accidents (Vol.
4: 323, USA, 1979)
- Decreased Suicide Rate (Vol. 4: 317, Cities, USA,
- Decreased Incidence of Infectious Diseases (Vol.
4: 337, USA and Australia, 1983–1984)
- Decreased Number of Fires (Vol. 4: 333, Jerusalem,
Israel, 1983)
Increased Coherence of Brain Functioning: The Basis of Increased
Coherence in National Consciousness and World Consciousness—
Structuring Vedic Culture—Global Culture
- Increased Orderliness of Brain Functioning (Vol.
1: 1–4, 14–18, 20, 102; Vol. 2: 115, 117, 121; Vol. 3: 205,
210, 211, 213, 215, 217, 218, 224; Vol. 4: 294–296)
- Increased Integration of Brain Functioning (Vol.
1: 14–17, 20, 102; Vol. 3: 205, 210, 211, 213, 215, 217, 218, 224;
Vol. 4: 294–296; Vol. 5: 370, 371, 375)
- Increased Brainwave Coherence (Vol. 1: 20, 21, 102;
Vol. 3: 205, 210, 213, 215, 217, 218, 224; Vol. 4: 294, 296; Vol. 5: 370,
- Increased EEG Coherence at the Moment of Performance of the TM-Sidhi Technique
of Yogic Flying (Vol. 1: 102; Vol. 5: 375)
- Correlations Found in Subjects Practising Maharishi’s Transcendental
Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme:
- Between Duration of Practice of Transcendental Meditation and High
EEG Coherence (Vol. 4: 296)
- Among High EEG Coherence, High Levels of Creativity, Neurological
Efficiency, and Experience of Transcendental Consciousness (Vol.
1: 21)
- Among High EEG Coherence, Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness,
Quality of Experiences of the TM-Sidhis, and High Levels of Creativity (Vol.
1: 102; Vol. 3: 216)
- Between Increased Frontal EEG Coherence and Increased Creativity (Vol.
4: 294)
- Between Flexibility of Concept Learning and Both High EEG Coherence
and Neurological Efficiency (Vol. 3: 219)
- Between Neurological Efficiency and Both High EEG Coherence and Superior
Academic Performance (Vol. 3: 230, 231)
- Between High EEG Coherence and Superior Performance in Mathematics (Vol.
3: 221)
- Between High EEG Coherence and Greater Moral Maturity, Greater Intelligence,
Superior Academic Performance, and Lower Neuroticism (Vol.
4: 294)
- Between High EEG Coherence and Both High Levels of Principled Moral
Reasoning and a Unified Cosmic Perspective on Life (Vol.
3: 223)
- Between High EEG Coherence and More Ideal Social Behaviour (Vol.
4: 297)
- Between High EEG Coherence and Superior Performance on Age-Related
Psychological Variables (Vol. 3: 225)
Freedom from Stress in Individual Life: The Basis of Freedom
from Tension in National Life and International Affairs—
Structuring Vedic Culture—Global Culture
A Unique State of Deep Rest during Practice of Maharishi’s Transcendental
Meditation Technique—The Perfect Means to Neutralize Stress and
- The Experience of Pure Consciousness Found to Be Associated with High
EEG Coherence; Marked Reductions in Respiration Rate, Heart Rate, and
Metabolic Rate; Periodic Natural Breath Suspension; Absence of Spontaneous
Skin Resistance Responses; High Basal Skin Resistance (Vol.
1: 7; Vol. 3: 197, 205, 213, 218; Vol. 4: 293; Vol. 5: 358)
Growth of Integration in Individual Life: The Basis of Integrated
National Consciousness and Integrated World Consciousness—
Structuring Vedic Culture—Global Culture
- Experience of Pure Consciousness during the Practice of Maharishi’s
Transcendental Meditation Technique (Vol. 1: 2,
7, 8, 21, 99–102; Vol. 3: 197, 205, 213, 216, 218, 258)
- More Frequent Experiences of Higher States of Consciousness (Vol.
5: 397)
- Increased Self-Actualization: Increased Integration, Unity, and Wholeness
of Personality (Vol. 1: 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 74,
76, 78, 94; Vol. 2: 139, 144, 151, 153, 155; Vol. 3: 239; Vol. 5: 395)
Growth of Ideal Social Behaviour: The Basis of
Harmony in National Life and International Relations—
Structuring Vedic Culture—Global Culture
- Increased Ability to See Man as Essentially Good (Vol.
1: 76; Vol. 2: 153; Vol. 3: 266)
- Greater Respect for the Views of Others (Vol.
2: 164)
- Improved Ability to Appreciate Others (Vol.
3: 271)
- Decreased Tendency to Dominate (Vol. 1: 65,
77; Vol. 3: 268, 277, 290)
- Increased Ability to Be Objective, Fair-Minded, and Reasonable (Vol.
4: 316)
- Increased Consideration for Others (Vol. 1:
71, 73; Vol. 2: 153)
- Increased Tolerance (Vol. 1: 62, 65; Vol. 2:
153, 164; Vol. 3: 266, 277, 290; Vol. 4: 308, 316)
- Growth of a More Sympathetic, Helpful, and Caring Nature (Vol.
1: 73; Vol. 2: 153; Vol. 4: 316)
- Increased Sensitivity to the Feelings of Others (Vol.
1: 73; Vol. 4: 304, 316)
- Greater Satisfaction with Marriage:
- Greater Adjustment (Vol. 2: 165; Vol.
4: 315)
- Greater Happiness (Vol. 2: 165)
- Greater Harmony (Vol. 2: 165)
- Greater Closeness
(Vol. 2: 165)
- Greater Acceptance of One’s Spouse
(Vol. 2: 165)
- Greater Admiration of One’s Spouse
(Vol. 2: 165)
- Greater Agreement on Conduct (Vol. 2:
- Greater Agreement on Recreation (Vol.
2: 165)

During the period 1979–1986,
the number of participants in Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation
and TM-Sidhi Programme in the U.S. exceeded the number needed to
create the Maharishi Effect. U.S. actions towards the Soviet Union
became more positive. When the number of TM-Sidhi participants was
at its highest level, the Soviet actions towards the U.S. also improved.
Reference: Proceedings of the
American Statistical Association, Social Statistics Section (1990): 297–302. |

During Maharishi’s World Peace Project
of October to December 1978 an independent data bank showed reduced
hostile acts and increased cooperative events internationally,
in comparison to a baseline period prior to the project. This worldwide
effect was due to the fact that the trouble-spot areas influenced
by the visiting groups of TM-Sidhi experts were the key areas of
international conflict and interaction at this time. Reference: Scientific
Research on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation
and TM-Sidhi Programme—Collected Papers, Volume 4 (1989):
2532–2548. |
In Conclusion
Maharishi spoke the following words over
forty years ago. The truth of these words is reflected for all
times in the vast body of scientific research conducted on Maharishi’s
Vedic Science and Technology since then:
‘Generation after generation man is
born anew. Each generation gives rise to new aspirations in life
and brings a new quest for fulfilment. Each man needs sound physical
and mental health, greater ability in action, a greater capacity
to think clearly, increased efficiency in work, and more loving
and rewarding relationships with others. He needs enough vitality
and intelligence to satisfy the desires of his mind and bring contentment
to his life. We have seen that all this can be gained through the
regular practice of Transcendental Meditation.
‘. . . A new humanity will be born,
fuller in conception and richer in experience and accomplishments
in all fields. Joy of life will belong to every man, love will
dominate human society, truth and virtue will reign in the world,
peace on earth will be permanent, and all will live in fulfilment
in fullness of life in God Consciousness.’
Science of Being and Art of Living—Transcendental
[374-page publication]
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