‘ Gandharva Music is a very precious science and art of creating harmony within oneself, within ones family, in ones city, in ones country, in the whole world.’ —Maharishi

The knowledge of Vedic Music—Gandharva Veda—is located in the ancient Vedic Literature and in the oral tradition of Vedic families of India, who for countless ages have preserved this knowledge in its completeness. It is scientific, authentic, and reliable, because it is a revelation of the most fundamental level of Nature’s intelligence, the Unified Field of Natural Law*—the common basis of all streams of knowledge, where the holistic value of Natural Law and specific values of Natural Law function in unison.

* The Unified Field of Natural Law discovered by modern science has been brought to light by Maharishi as the Unified Field of Consciousness, which is vibrancy of Supreme Intelligence, expressing itself in the forms and phenomena of the universe throughout all eternity of time and space.

Scientific research studies have been conducted on the influence of Gandharva Veda music in the areas of consciousness, behaviour, physiology, and the environment, and further experiments continue to be conducted. Studies have observed that the beneficial influences of Gandharva Veda are irrespective of an individual’s personal musical background, taste, or subjective experience.

Furthermore, Maharishi has explained that every environment is ultimately made of sound vibrations which resonate with other sound vibrations. Even if no one is present to listen, the balancing sounds of Gandharva Veda create a positive influence in the atmosphere. By playing Gandharva Veda music at home or in the work place when no one is present, it is possible to neutralize stress and produce an effect of harmony and coherence in the environment.

A Brief Summary of Results

The following studies indicate the ability of Vedic Music to create a harmonizing, life-supporting influence in the physical and mental health of the individual, as well as in the environment.

RASMUSSEN, S., ORME-JOHNSON, D., and WALLACE, R.K., 1990, USA. Integrating effect on the brain functions of humans: the electrical potentials of the activity of the brain before and during the listening of Gandharva Veda music were analyzed by a computer, for frequencies as Delta–, Theta–, Alpha– and Beta–waves. While listening to Gandharva Veda music, a clear increase of the electrical potentials within the Theta–wave–range (frequencies 4–8) can be observed. A similar effect has been found during the practice of Transcendental Meditation, where it correlates with a state of relaxation and the experience of bliss.

OLSON-SORFLATEN, T., Dissertation,1995, USA. Balancing of the physiology, decreased tension, decreased irritability, less lethargy, and increased brain wave activity in the Alpha–, Beta–, and Theta ranges verify the relaxing and integrating effects of this music, which have also been found during the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

SINGH, T. C. N., Gnanam A: Studies on the effect of sound waves of Nadeshwaram [a traditional Gandharva Veda wind instrument] the growth and yield of paddy, Annamalai University, 1965; 16:78–99; and SINGH, T. C. N., On the Effect of Music and Dance on Plants, Bihar Agricultural College Magazine, Volume 13, no. 1, 1962–1963:

In the early 1950’s, Dr T. C. N. Singh of the Department of Botany at Annamalai University, Madras, India, discovered under microscope that plant protoplasm was moving faster in the cell as a result of the sound produced by an electric tuning fork. This discovery led to his conclusion that sound must have some effect on the metabolic activities of the plant cell.

Inspired by these results and by stories of ancient sages who were able to induce plants to blossom by intoning certain Ragas (melodies) of Gandharva Veda, Dr Singh began a series of experiments on a large number of species, such as common astors, petunias, cosmos, and white spider lillies, along with food plants such as sesame, radishes, and sweet potatoes. For several weeks, just before sunrise, he played to each of these species more than six Gandharva Veda Ragas, one per experiment. The music lasted half an hour daily, scaled at a high pitch, with frequencies between 100 and 600 cycles per second. It was played on several traditional Gandharva Veda instruments—the flute, violin harmonium, and veena.

From the results of this experiment he was able to state that he had proven, beyond any shadow of doubt, that Gandharva Veda sound waves affect the growth,  flowering,  fruiting,  and seed-yields of plants.

From 1960 to 1963,  Dr Singh played the Gandharva Veda Charukesi Raga via a loudspeaker on a gramophone to six varieties of early, medium,  and late ‘paddy rice’, growing in the fields of seven villages. They yielded harvests ranging consistently, from 25% to 60% higher than the regional average.

His method of musical stimulation also increased chromosome count of certain species of water plants.

The Sound and Music of Plants (De Vorss and Company, 1973) documents research on the effects of various types of sound and music on the growth and health of plants. A monotonous tone played for several hours was totally destructive of plant life, as was rock music. Western classical music had mixed effects. When Gandharva Veda was played, the plants responded most positively—they flourished.

The Secret Life of Plants (Harper and Row, 1989) also documents research on the effects of various types of sound and music on the growth and health of plants. When Gandharva Veda music was played to plants, the plant which was closest to the source of sound virtually embraced the loudspeaker. When hard-rock music was played, the plants moved away from the source of sound.

For further information on the benefits of Maharishi Gandharva Veda, please visit the Basics page: www.maharishi-gandharva.com/page5.htm

Links to related websites:
Maharishi Gandharva Veda: www.maharishi-gandharva.com
A taste of Gandharva Veda: www.maharishi.org/gandharva/music_selections.html
TruthAboutTM.com: www.TruthAboutTM.com

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